CPP 500-2 Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis

Faculty: Ann-Marie Neale, PhD (Profile) Michael L. Brock, PhD, PsyD, LPC (Profile) – Please indicate the faculty member you would like to work with in the Comment section of the Online Registration. 


This course is designed to acquaint the student with Sigmund Freud and the fundamentals of his thought. Rather than settle for merely a secondary-source summary of who he was and what he thought, this course will concentrate on Freud’s life and, by using a classic text, will explore the essentials of his thought. The introductory material presented in Morgan’s chapter on Freud is a way of establishing the parameters of the course. The biography is an in-depth look at Freud’s life. The classic text is a primary source to expose the student to Freud himself.

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