CPP 517 Erich Fromm: Viewing the World through a Spiritual, Humanistic, and Sociocultural Lens

Faculty: Michael Brock, PhD, Psy.D. (Profile)


This course will explore the writings and thoughts of Erich Fromm, whose life spanned the twentieth century (1900-1980). Fromm was trained in sociology and psychoanalysis. An amazingly prolific writer, his books caught the eye of world leaders such as President Kennedy, who read Escape from Freedom and was much affected by Fromm’s advocacy of mutual disarmament and détente during the Cold War, and Pope John Paul II, who praised his summative work, To Have or to Be?, as “a great work with humane values—not the problematic values of consumption and the market place.” Fromm’s The Art of Loving sold an astounding 25,000,000 copies. He was a major force in the humanistic psychology movement that included Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Rollo May.

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