PCC 505 Discernment
Faculty: Dr. Janice Lynne Lundy (Profile)
The human brain is hard-wired to entertain a multitude of desires and ego hungers that pull us in many directions. How do we know the more sublime dimensions of desire – i.e. What do I most deeply desire? Where is my heart? My freedom? What moves me toward peace, joy, love? What pulls me away from, or obscure, choosing freely? Our faculties of sound judgment and freedom of choice enable us to make the decisions that point us in the most life-giving direction. As a process and practice of critical observation and wise decision-making then, discernment involves making choices that correspond as closely as possible to objective reality, that are as free as possible from our inner compulsions, and that are congruent with our values system.
Using the tools of discernment and your gifts of intellect, affect and will, you’ll learn how to resolve values conflicts: judging rightly and following the soundest course of action based on desire, understanding and experience.