The Blue Lotus School of Mindfulness Arts

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

  • Master of Theology in Buddhist Studies 
Mindfulness Teachers are persons who share a trained expertise in the magic of mindfulness and help others to become more self-aware as well as to develop a greater compassion for themselves and the world.  Those practitioners who want to start an exciting career as professional teachers of mindfulness may apply for our training program.  Graduates are certified to teach the 4Directions mindfulness method, receive official chaplain status and are licensed as celebrants to lead contemplative liturgy and perform life cycle ceremonies (weddings, funerals, blessings, etc.) 
We have been offering our enriching educational program for the last 15 years. Classes are taught at the House of Meditation and are available to distance learning students via our web-based classes. Each course is taught by one of our highly trained instructors, assuring a deep and lifelong learning experience. These are complemented by special yearly retreats for trainees and senior clergy.

The Order of the Dragonfly

Those trained to be mindfulness teachers in the 4Directions Method are referred to as ministers. They become part of a unique order of individuals trained to deal with all kinds of human problems. They are a special group of people who vow to ease suffering and provide counsel and support to those in need. They contribute to making this world a more enlightened place for everyone.

Program Requirements
The Blue Lotus School of Mindfulness Arts training program fulfills all coursework requirements for the Master of Theology in Buddhist Studies. The remaining degree requirement is the master’s thesis. 
Master of Theology in Buddhist Studies (M.Th.) $13,200
Tuition reflects administrative degree program costs charged by the GTF.  Program costs charged by the PRIME institution are separate and additional and must be paid directly to the PRIME institution. 
Please contact the Bursar of the Graduate Theological Foundation for further information about tuition for this degree.
Please contact the PRIME institution for information about program costs. 
Please see the tuition section of the M.Th. program description page for information regarding tuition policies and payment schedules.
For more information, please contact:
Sensei Tony Stultz, Ed.D.
Founder and Director
The Blue Lotus School of Mindfulness Arts
6496 Jonestown Road
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Tel: (717) 671-5057
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