The Haden Institute

  • Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Direction (D.Min.)
  • Doctor of Ministry in Dream Work Guidance (D.Min)

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This relationship allows a student to complete partial coursework requirements for the D.Min. degree at The Haden Institute. The Haden Institute is a leading edge organization engaging in education, experiences, and relationships for spiritual life and direction. They specialize in the art of spiritual guidance and dreamwork guidance, offering professional certificates which encompass skills in both areas.

Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Direction

The full certificate program at the Haden Institute can fulfill all but the doctoral project for the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) in Spiritual Direction.  Applicants should meet GTF prerequisites for admission to the D.Min. degree:  master’s degree plus 5 years involvement in a faith community/ministry.

Doctor of Ministry in Dream Work Guidance

The full certificate program at the Haden Institute can fulfill all but the doctoral project for the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) in Dream Work Guidance. Applicants should meet GTF prerequisites for admission to the D.Min. degree:  master’s degree plus 5 years involvement in a faith community/ministry.

 GTF Tuition for degree completion

         Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)                          $14,550

 Haden Tuition*                                           $7,000

Tuition reflects administrative and degree program costs charged by the GTF.  *Program costs charged by the PRIME institution are separate and additional, and must be paid directly to the PRIME institution. 

Please see the tuition section of the D.Min. program description pages for information regarding tuition policies and payment schedules. 

 For more information, please contact the Haden Institute directly.*

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