This six week study brings the teachings of science and faith together to address one of the major ways we imagine our human place in nature: that of being the Stewards of Nature. This study addresses the problems with that idea, and presents new images of our rightful place in creation.
This curriculum package offers the book Sacred Place, Sacred Role, a Teacher’s Guide, Student Workbooks, and a DVD that includes author introductions to each session, and interviews with leading scientists, theologians and philosophers. In addition, the series now offers full 30 minute videos that accompany each session. Teachers can choose to teach the class, or use it as a complete video/discussion course. All of the tools are in your hand!
Session One lays out the basic question of this series, of whether there is a better way to view our human relationship with nature than the current “creation stewardship” model. We then move to follow the instruction of Jesus to “consider the lilies” as we look for clues of God’s fingerprint in nature.
Session Two explores the historical conflict between religion and science, and shows evidence that in many ways, this conflict has been inflated with groundless accusations. We seek to chart a new course for the sake of our world and our future generations.
Session Three seeks to offer a model for building needed bridges between science and religion in order to answer the questions of who we are as human beings and what our relationship is to the rest of nature. Utilizing the example of the Apostle Paul as he visited the ancient city of Athens, we discover important steps in turning debates into bridges.
Session Four explores the meaning of sacredness, and applies it to nature. It asks and answers two related questions: What is the nature of sacredness? and What is the sacredness of nature? Just as Moses was instructed to take off his shoes because he was standing on Holy Ground, the realization that nature is sacred requires special action on our part as well.
Session Five brings our tools of science to the table to test the idea that humans are the stewards of nature. When we line up lessons that science has clearly taught us with this theological idea of what it means to be human, it becomes clear that we need to humble ourselves, and rethink our place in nature. It is at once humbling, and at the same time, quite liberating!
Session Six explores and unpacks our new image for the role of humans in nature. Bringing the discoveries of science and some ancient thoughts of Scripture and liturgical patterns together, we discover an exciting connection between God, nature, and us. It’s time to Celebrate!
For details on the ordering process, click here.
Thank you for your interest in Sacred Place, Sacred Role. Our Curriculum comes in a Teachers’ Package that includes one primary thesis book, the DVD, six student workbooks, and access to our online Teachers’ Guide and promotion materials.
The cost for the Teachers’ Package is $129.00, plus tax (if applicable) and shipping. To order the Teachers’ Package from our online store, click here.
Additional student workbooks can be purchased at $9.95 per copy. To order additional copies of the student workbook from our online store, click here.
Additional thesis books can be purchased at $14.95 per copy. To order more copies of the thesis book, click here.
Thank you!
Sacred Place, Sacred Role Teachers’ Package
The Teachers’ Package contains one primary thesis book, the DVD, six Student Workbooks, and access to our online Teachers’ Guide and promotional materials.
Sacred Place Sacred Role Student Workbook
Single copies of the student workbook for Sacred Place, Sacred Role. Order the number needed for your gathering.
Sacred Place, Sacred Role Companion Book
This concise book lays out the principle thesis of the total curriculum Sacred Place, Sacred Role. It serves as a helpful resource for teachers, or as a great companion piece for all students.
To read testimonials and reviews, click here.
I am delighted to review this resource offering of the Kirbas Institute. My impression of it is wholly positive. In addition to being theologically well grounded and concerned with the big issue of abundance and generosity that we must face, I like especially the attention to pedagogy that is conducted in a respectful and democratic way. I anticipate that those involved in this study will have great opportunity for growth in faith and worldly wisdom; and they will find fulfillment and joy in the process.
Peace Presbyterian Church had an amazing, powerful experience with Sacred Place, Sacred Role. The lessons maximize class discussions and participation in every session, based on an evolving sequence of topics (no pun intended!). Dr. Kirbas and his world class theologians and scientists in their video interview segments led us David Thomas from a basic understanding the relationships between science and faith, towards a deeper personal engagement with our own faith in God and the sanctity of the created universe. We will use this program again in future new classes in our Lively Learning sessions.
Hi Paul,A special thank you from me.
I do the final Quality Control Reviews on DVD’s that leave the office and was very moved by your DVD and you personally. What you are trying to educate people about is so Modulus-logoimportant and thank you for bringing all these ideas & spiritual people/professionals together.
I was personally moved by your “Sibling rivalry story” I will never forget this and have passed it along to others myself. I also think of myself as a spiritual person on many levels. My first career was professional musician composer.
I am sure you get a lot of mail but I did want to let you know you have moved me spiritually and made me realize new ideas. This has made me a more loving person & I thank you for that.
Much warmth, health and lovingkindness to you,
The earth is in crisis with many unaware of the critical global changes. The six session course, Sacred Place; Sacred Role, enlightens those in darkness and guides those who have been awakened to the global demands of the twenty-first century. I heartedly recommend this multifaceted program for pastors, denominational Benleaders and concerned worshipers in congregations. Drawing on the insights of Internationally recognized leaders, Dr. Paul Kirbas, introduces their insights through a creative, transformative pedagogy.